Wednesday, July 26, 2023



It's 2023 and we are still facing this problem again and now its in Sandakan, Sabah. This is why we have to get experienced people to do it. Credits to @nizambintutong and @dumberhood for the photos. 

Look at the first photo, where's the runaway at the staircase for skaters to ollie down or do grinds?  Swipe next for 2nd photos. The funbox also has no space or runaway and it's facing the wrong way. One side is facing towards A frame (blocking) and another side has walls. It looks like they are built on an abandoned old swimming pool. Talking about the swimming pool, where is the pool drainage?  I can't see them from the photos. Hope they have them else it's going to be a super fun wet park. Hahahahaha. Such a waste, whoever built these please at least consult an experienced skatepark builder /consultants. There is no safety since the park measurement and placement are totally wrong. Kelam kabut huru hara jadinya!!!!

Take note guys, this is the reason why experience and expertise is very important. Same goes to coaching. We see many skaters nowadays with 1-2 years experience and self-claim themselves as coaches but they are giving wrong tips and trick names to skaters. So these are harmful to the scene as well. We are going to discuss or give our opinion on these matters too.

Semoga dipermudah buat komuniti Skate Sandakan. Voice your opinions to them!!! 

#skatemalaysia #skatesabah #kbsmalaysia #jbsn #failedskatepark #skateparkfail

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