Tuesday, June 3, 2008


If i had a chance to choose the best trucks in Malaysia market then it would be Indy. Why buy others when you have the best trucks in the world in your local skate store? I would rather buy the best trucks rather than choose the latest trend trucks in the latest market.

Heavy? Well is that your excuses? If everything on your skateboards were too light ain't that good either. Just look who rides for Indy; Koston, Howard, Haslam, Reynolds and many wellknown pro rider. Indy not just good for grinding or strong. It also have the best turning too.

Now they have the new stage 10 coming out. It looks like they reverted back to the stage 8 base. But kept most of the other Stage 9 changes (chromo axles, etc). Stage 9 is in the market and i hope they have this one for me to try out. - Boy Ipoh

* Best well knwon trucks in the world - 1st - Indy, 2nd - Ace trucks, 3rd - Fury trucks, 4th - modify Tracker Six Tracks by RockNRon, 5th - Gullwing, 6th - Destructo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try out some Thunder Lights, they're much better than Indy's

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